Our philosophy

We are purity makers and proud of it!

Humens is a human-sized organization powered by strong entrepreneurial spirit. We work hard to improve human health while respecting the planet. Which explains our name...

Humens values, our corporate philosophy

Our values are our everyday reality, as they are applied in our relations with employees, customers, and partners.

Solidarity. Focusing on our common interests, helping each other, fostering diversity and respect.

Agility. Adapting and rebounding, leveraging entrepreneurial spirit to move forward while keeping pace with an ever-changing world.

Commitment. Developing culture based on corporate, environmental, and professional commitment, accomplishing our missions with the utmost respect for these values and engagements.

« Twelve years later, I am still working at Nogent l'Artaud. »
Estelle Lecadieu
Quality control lab technician
« Teamwork with people from different backgrounds is something that I really appreciate in my work. »
Elsa Prous
Pharma market manager